Business Trip to Berlin

So, it’s time for another update on what’s happening in our life as interns @Microsoft Austria. This one is a good one, as always 😉

This time Julian and I had the chance to go on a business trip to Berlin with one of our customers, members of the Raiffeisen Bank Tyrol.

The short version is: it was simply awesome!

But let’s start from the beginning. Julian and I have been involved in planning the whole trip right from the start. We were responsible for finding a hotel for all of us, for organizing everything at the Microsoft Office in Berlin and the fun activities too, because obviously, it wouldn’t be just all work once we arrived in Berlin. The customer explicitly wanted a good mix of both things. They wanted to get up-to-date in terms of what Microsoft is doing and which new technologies are being used in the financial sector but they also wanted to have a good time in Berlin and to get around the city a bit. Let me say this much: I am glad that there were the two of us working on it and that we started relatively early with the planning phase of the trip because there was quite a lot to do. Once we arrived in Berlin and everything started, everything went very smoothly.

So, what exactly did we do for almost three days? Well there were a lot of sessions at the Microsoft Office in Berlin about topics like digital transformation in the banking sector, the branch of the future and other extremely interesting topics. However, the absolute highlight was the so called Trabi-Safari. For all of you who don’t know what a Trabi is, here’s a short summary: basically, the Trabant or Trabi is the symbol of East Germany in terms of cars especially during the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall as images of East Germans crossing the border were broadcast across the globe. Even though it has a reputation for being uncomfortable, slow, noisy and dirty it was the car to get -maybe because it was almost the only one there was?!-. People had to wait almost 20 years for a new car and that is why they ordered a Trabi the moment their children were born so they had a present when their children turned 18. And if you think now, well this must have been a super high tech car at the time … well you don’t know just how wrong you are. The car had two main components: a single-piece steel chassis covered with a hard-plastic body. HARD PLASTIC! 20 years for production! Now, that’s just insane. BUT, it was hilarious to drive the cars around Berlin. This was our opportunity to see all the historical hotspots of Berlin while trying to drive this insanity of a car around the city. The Trabi-Safari was the highlight of our trip. Other than that, we also had the opportunity to dine in the German Bundestag right in front of the impressive glass dome of the building and we visited Deutsche Bank’s most innovative branch that they call “Quartier Zukunft”.  

So, as you can see we do a lot of exciting stuff at Microsoft, even as interns and I am more than glad that we had the opportunity to go on a business trip with a customer.

Group Photo before leaving Berlin
The famous Trabant
Inside the impressive glass dome of the Bundestag


The Instandhaltungstage 2017 in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Late but still worth sharing.

In April my collegue Zsolt Keller and I had the pleasure to support one of our biggest german partners Alegri International GmbH at the Maintenance 4.0 conference Instandhaltungstage 2017 in Klagenfurt, Carinthia. Alegri brings value to their customers by guiding them through implementation of primarily Microsoft solutions in a wide range of cloud, IoT, data projects. The two gentlemen and general manager of Alegri surprised us after our arrival in Klagenfurt with a spontaneous networking dinner in the beautiful castle Maria Loretto facing the tip of the Wörthersee. Apparently, they managed to get the exclusive honor to present Alegri and the HoloLens between courses. Nobody else was listed as a presenter this evening. All eyes were layed on us and it was a very good opportunity to put a spotlight on the Microsoft HoloLens, grasp the audiences attention and arouse excitement for technological innovation. It was particularly amusing to use this cutting-edge device in the castle having old relics such as portraits and furniture combined with virtual holograms. I bet you have never seen a space shuttle in a castle, placed next to a portrait of emperor Franz Josef. Guests of the event will remember three things from this evening: The beautiful scenery and interior of the location, the exquisite cuisine and HOLOLENS.

photo-baurecht – Julian Schmidt 

The second day of our business trip started with an early breakfast at 6:30. Still enough time to setup the HoloLens appropriately for the day and polish the glasses. Off we go to the conference venue, a modern campus location not far from the hotel. Right away I was thinking about potential Smart-building solutions for the venue, but my attention got dragged away by the welcoming speech of the event host Dr. Andreas Dankl from Dankl + Partner Consulting GmbH.

Our performance the day before left a lasting impression on the guests so we got swamped with interested people right after the official opening of the conference day. Everybody wanted to finally put hands on the device and test it in the field. Shortly after, the conference venue was filled with virtual astronauts, engine demos, dogs and weight lifters. However, besides the shenanigans it was exciting for us to find the actual potential business value of the HoloLens for each individual customer. Already existing use-cases, such as e.g. ThyssenKrupp’s Elevator Maintenance, Volvo’s employee training or Royce Royce’s turbine demo are perfect to illustrate the key value points for customers, who have been able to compare those use-cases to their own business needs. Together with the colleagues from Alegri we pulled off a comprehensive pitch for the HoloLens, covering procurement and implementation. Overall, the conference revealed insightful customer experiences and conversations for us. Furthermore, the day was complemented with interesting maintenance industry key notes, which helped us to understand potential pain points of the industry.

The Instandhaltungstage 2017 were a success for both Alegri and Microsoft and we are looking forward to next year and an ongoing successful collaboration. (written by Julian Schmidt – Account Executive Intern – EPG Global Account)

photo-baurecht – Von links nach rechts, Rainer Weissert, Andreas Emhart, Zsolt Keller, Julian Schmidt

Wiener Töchtertag 2017 @ Microsoft

Last week we had 25 girls between the ages of 11-15 years visiting us in our office in Vienna as part of the “Töchtertag”, where they had the opportunity to get a glimpse of what working at Microsoft and in IT can look like. We organized this event together as interns from different segments, which was a fun project and gave us the opportunity to work together outside our usual tasks.

The day started off with a welcome by our GM Dorothee Ritz and other female colleagues who were talking about their jobs, how they got there and why they chose a career in IT. After some games to get to know each other, the girls had a Safer Internet Workshop where they learned about risks on the internet and discussed about their use of social networks. Especially the focus on “fake news” was very interesting for them and they had a lot of experience already, turns out they are very well informed and just like us are overwhelmed by the amount of information and messages they receive every day through social networks.

After lunch with their parents, they were in for something really exiting: During a coding session they (and we!) learned some basics about coding. Our friends from Logiscool taught them how to program their first game, where a spaceship needs to destroy falling stars. Sounds cool? You can try it yourself here via Scratch. The girls picked up the coding language very fast and started quickly to add their own ideas to the game.

One other activity we prepared was exiting, for us as well as for the girls: With the help from our colleagues from DX we prepared two HoloLense for them to try out. They could place 3D objects into the room and play around with the different options. Through a livestream everyone could follow what they saw through their mixed-reality glasses. Despite some of the girls thought the 3D ballerina was “ugly” and didn’t like the color of her dress, everyone was amazed, especially the 3D cats and dogs were a big hit. To end the day right – of course – we also prepared two Xbox rooms where they could play Just Dance and Worms, which they did with a lot of passion, so that at the end they even didn’t want to leave. We had a lot of fun spending the day with the girls and hope to see them again soon!

Here you can also find the press release of the Töchtertag at Microsoft Austria.


The Interns run Vienna City Marathon 2017

After our first challenges in the Microsoft world of Digital Transformation, Hackathons, Developer Experience and numerous other exciting topics we decided to take on a little different challenge. It was time for us interns to put on our sportswear and see how fast and how far we can run.

The Challenge

So what did we sign up for? We went for the relay marathon, which covers the whole length of the marathon. This means 42 km of running. Fortunately, relay means that the marathon is split into four sections: 16 km –  5,9 km – 9 km – 11,2 km.

Four of us interns were ready to run! Through the different lengths of the routes, each of us could decide for a part that matched our abilities. Real teamwork as we know it.

The Preparation

The goal was set. The kilometers were spread. It was time for us to make sure, that we reached the finish line. Preparation is key and we took that seriously, more or less.

Each of us prepared for the big day in a different way. From beautiful outdoor sceneries to indoor gyms and soccer halls, we have seen everything in our preparation time. Some of us were going for a run on a regular basis to improve the overall running performance. Others relied on their soccer training to strengthen the endurance. One thing we all had in common: we wanted to finish the marathon as a team, no one wanted to let the others down.

Day X

Time flew by and soon the big day arrived, Sunday the 23rd of April. It was time to put on our running shoes. Ready, steady, go!

The run started at the famous Reichsbrücke. The wind almost blew you away. But it was time to get those feet running. At Schönbrunn Palace it was time to hand over. The search began: where for god’s sake do you hand over? With our green shirts and some screaming we found each other. The route continued over the Mariahilfer Straße. Unfortunately, this time it was not about shopping and the course got really tiring.

Right behind Rathaus and the University of Vienna the next hand-over took place. This time with no difficulty. The run led through the green Prater. Last hand-over, time to speed up! Getting back from the Prater the Marathon course led to the beautiful Ringstraße. The last kilometers flew by and our goal got closer and closer. Finally our last runner crossed the finish line – mission accomplished!

The Finishers

Taking part in the Vienna City Marathon was a challenging but also fulfilling experience. You really can’t compare it to a normal session of running. There is so much that makes it a special event. The atmosphere, thousands of people running besides you, running through the streets of Vienna. This is only a small part of it.

The greatest thing is when you almost quit, but that small voice inside of you tells you to keep going. So you keep going and in the end you reach your finish line. That little feeling of victory is pure happiness. Happy and exhausted, but in the end we all made it!

Visual Studio 2017 Launch!


VSLINZ.jpgAs a Microsoft Intern you will always heading from one place to another. There will hardly be a time to catch a breath as many exciting things are waiting for you to explore. I am working in the DX (Developer Experience) section of Microsoft and one of my main activities include engaging with developers and IT-professionals. Austria being a small country  and hence the developer community represents a management amount. This special constellation in Austria results in a very personal relationship with your audience. Indeed you will get in touch with the same developers on different events, talks and panel discussions.  Some of the events you will attend as an Intern will be fully organized by yourself. Sounds easy? This is why we organized a Visual Studio 2017 Launch Event in Vienna, Linz and Graz simultaneously.

Visual Studio

Some of you might wonder what is exactly Visual Studio? Consider the vast improvement and addition the Visual Studio Product family has received in recent years the question is understandable.

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. Microsoft provides a free version of Visual Studio called the Community edition that supports plugins and is available at no cost for all users. It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. It can produce both native code and managed code.

Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense (the code completion component) as well as code refactoring. The integrated debugger works both as a source-level debugger and a machine-level debugger. Other built-in tools include a forms designer for building GUI applications, web designer, class designer, and database schema designer. It accepts plug-ins that enhance the functionality at almost every level including adding support for source control systems (like Subversion) and adding new toolsets like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for other aspects of the software development lifecycle (like the Team Foundation Server client: Team Explorer).

Visual Studio supports different programming languages and allows the code editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any programming language, provided a language-specific service exists. Built-in languages include C, C++, C#, and F#. Support for other languages such as Python, Ruby, Node.js, and M among others is available via language services installed separately. It also supports XML/XSLT, HTML/XHTML, JavaScript and CSS. Java (and J#) were supported in the past.

For more information about the latest Developments on the Microsoft Platform:

Vienna, Linz & Graz

It has been a challenging  task to set up 3 Events simultaneously.  The Developer Experience Team is a very small team so I appreciated that everybody was giving me a hand. Together with Georg Binder, we were heading to Linz as our Event stage. In total we had more than 200 registrations for our events in Austria. In fact it was so successful that we were overbooked and couldn’t give everybody a seat. In Linz there were more than 40 people waiting for us. As this event was a Birthday Party, we brought some cake to celebrate this special occasion. The event consisted of watching the Keynote Launch Stream and having a F&Q session afterwards. Naturally, there was also time for some Networking. I really appreciate the fact that Microsoft is empowering every Intern to get the most out their internship. Traveling and attending events may be time consuming and exhausting but at the end the time spending talking to your community is priceless in my opinion. 17097803_10155797683982646_4537934225977245092_o.jpg





Palfinger Hackathon 2017

Imagine that in the future machines can be controlled virtually, the loading and unloading processes happen autonomously, the devices detect obstacles by themselves, the lifting solutions communicate with the control center independently so the service operator receives a constant flow of information about the work process and the condition of the machinery.

To make all these a reality, Palfinger organized Austria’s biggest hackathon with more than 100 participants forming 23 teams. The Palfinger Hackathon took place on 4th and 5th of March 2017 at the Microsoft Headquarter with the goal of finding the most innovative designs and ideas relating to virtual-, augmented- and mixed reality, digital services and autonomous machine handling. Hackathon is a word creation from “hack” and “Marathon” and it is a design sprint-like event in which individuals and teams collaborate intensively on both software, hardware projects.

Palfinger, with Microsoft and Tieto as experienced digitalization partners on board, is a pioneer in incorporating digital features and in the area of digital transformation. Microsoft hosted the event and provided the opportunity to work with cutting edge software- and hardware technologies, such as using HoloLens for business cases or using the Azure Platform for building powerful applications.

The Palfinger Hackathon was about breaking limits, developing new, innovative ideas and concepts, have fun, meet new inspirational people, expand Palfinger’s product and service portfolio and partaking in the company’s digitalization journey. The competition addressed students, technology start-ups and innovators, who are open-minded for new technologies and have ideas as to how new business models can be used at Palfinger.

The competitors had 36 hours to generate new ideas, concepts focusing on four core challenges formulated by Palfinger, but of course everyone had the possibility to come up with inspiring ideas outside this area. The four areas where Palfinger looked for ideas:

  • 1.       Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Augmented Reality
  • 2.       Increase degree of automation for the loading- and unloading of trucks
  • 3.       Digital assistance systems
  • 4.       PALFINGER as a service

On Sunday at 4pm the teams started to present their business models in two minutes. The teams came up with solutions covering a broad range of challenges Palfinger is currently facing. Some of the best ideas were:

  • Using drones help operators having a better view on the crane and on other objects.
  • A built-in camera at the end of the jib can provide a better view for the operators, which is an important security factor.
  • Allow Palfinger to offer crane services with an app, which accompanies customers in the whole renting process.
  • Learning cranes can automatize the whole loading and unloading process.
  • With the help of VR, enable operators to have real time visualization about the ideal position of the cargo.
  • Mixed reality planning assistant used with the help of HoloLens and an app for optimal crane positioning and for live lifting range and capacity visualization.

Even though all ideas were outstanding, the winning idea was an intelligent personal assistant, which recognizes natural voice and gives countless possible ways of supporting the operators.

The best 10 teams were awarded with valuable prizes. The top three competitors were awarded prize money over 6.000 Euro as well as the offer to work together with the developers of Palfinger on the victorious concepts.

The ambience of the event was just great and the feedback was very positive from every participant. The event showed the importance of collaboration on the way towards digital transformation. As an intern in Microsoft’s EPG segment it was a great experience to participate in such an exciting event, where we had the chance to get know better our partner Palfinger on their digital journey.


Safer Internet Day


A couple of weeks after our internships began, we were introduced to the “Safer Internet Day” project during one of our weekly interns’ meetings. Given not only the amazing advances in technology but also the relevance internet as well as social media have gained in the last couple of years, new generations are exposed at a surprisingly young age to not only the amazing sides of the “internet world” but also the unfortunately common dangers such world also entails.


The project consisted on presenting in front of a class ways children can protect themselves from these dangers, while being able to enjoy the wonders internet and technology in general have to offer as well, because let’s be honest… technology is not only awesome but is indeed the present and OUR future!

We were of course beyond ready to take on such challenge. I mean, who would not want to be a teacher for a day?!

We attended a couple of days later the training session, in which the XBOX Manager not only presented what we would eventually be presenting ourselves, but also gave us some tips and tricks on how to make such experience informative, yet interesting AND interactive at the same time. We learned for instance that children are always willing to tell not only their stories, but their siblings’, mothers’, friends’, friends’ of the friends stories… but most importantly, how incredibly knowledgeable and influenced they can be by their digital environment.

Given the amount of people and schools involved, it was our job to get in touch with the school or the teacher responsible for the class and agree on the last details.  We also were free to edit, change or add whatever we found appropriate to make the presentation OURS.

The actual “Safer Internet Day” was fast approaching and so finally, on February 20th, we were ready to go for this challenge. Entering the classroom gave us the feeling of using a time machine and going back 10 years in the past as if we were 14 or 15 years old again. We recognized pretty fast that the class was very interested in the presentation, as the pupils raised constructive questions, actively participated when we asked questions and shared with us very funny, personal experiences.


A few topics covered by this presentation were: fake news, click-baiting, cyber-mobbing, PC and mobile phone security and safer use of social networks. To better explain the concepts on the slides we gave some practical examples and told a few personal stories. Also, in order to make the presentation more interesting, we showed some high impacting and influential videos.


At the end, we encouraged the pupils to answer a few questions and give a short feedback on the presentation. The feedback was highly positive and we recognized that they really enjoyed the topics covered. After leaving some goodies it was already time to say goodbye!

We really enjoyed and learned a lot out of this experience. Through the direct interaction with the Z generation, which is online 24/7, we could learn how crucial it is to raise the awareness for some major risks connected with the digital world to make sure that this and future generations can exploit the advantages digital technology offers, without being intimidated by its threats.



Unbelievable how fast time flies. We started our internship at the 16th of January and now we have been working already for over three weeks at this great company.  So, it’s about time to introduce ourselves in this first blogpost. 🙂

All of us are highly motivated and we look forward to gaining insights, get to know new people and a lot of practical learning during the next six months. There will be a blogpost every month and you will hear lots of interesting stories from our internship. We will provide you with insights into our roles and share events we will be attending!



Hello, I am Stefan and I am 23 years old. I am from a small town -Bischofshofen- in Salzburg but I moved to Vienna some three and a half years ago, for my studies. And now that I’ve finished my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) just recently, it was the perfect opportunity and time for me to join Microsoft as an intern. There are not that many details regarding my everyday tasks that I can provide you with right now, after my first few weeks at Microsoft. But I can tell you this much: it’s awesome, it’s super exciting and nothing like I imagined it to be (but in a positive way).

But enough about work, right? Since I am from Salzburg I love skiing very much, but that’s something that I can only do in winter and since I live in Vienna now, I ski a lot less than a few years ago. I also enjoy downhill mountain biking (enduro, freeride/downhill) and I am glad that I have endless opportunities for that back in my hometown. Other than that, I really enjoy reading a good book, although unfortunately there’s too little time for that most of the time. Anyway, that’s it about me and now I am looking forward to an exciting and challenging internship at Microsoft.



Hello everyone! My name is Zsolt and I’m an intern in the Enterprise and Partner Group (EPG) segment. I’m really excited to be part of this great team and help organizations to achieve more! I come from Hungary, I’m 24 years old and I’ve been living in Vienna for 2 years. I have a bachelor degree in international business economics and I’m currently continuing my master business studies at the University of Vienna. Working at Microsoft is a fantastic experience. I was always curious how the world’s biggest companies create and execute their strategies. And I think Microsoft’s strategy for building platforms, innovative technology and productivity services in a mobile-first, cloud-first world is a flagship in nowadays’ digital world.

I always try to spend my free time active doing different kind of sports and spend quality time with my loved ones. If you will remember only one thing about me than it should be my favorite quote from Marissa Mayer which I try to live by: “I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow.”.



Hi everybody! My name is Michael , I am a 22 year old undergraduate student pursuing my bachelor’s in industrial engineering at the University of Wiener Neustadt. After gathering experience in the IT-Industry (Oracle & IBM) I am really excited to be part of the Microsoft Enterprise Services Team.  Being a Technical Account Manager intern at Microsoft Austria is honestly the best opportunity to grow. The greatest thing I Iove about my role is that I get the opportunity to work with great people, on new projects that reaches various of premier customers. In addition I am currently writing my bachelor thesis about the topic Internet of Things (IoT) and Predictive Maintenance.

In my free time I enjoy being physically active and spend a lot of time playing tennis. Furthermore I love to travel and exploring new cultures. I am looking forward to the next few months 🙂



Hi everyone! My name is Julia and I am super excited about the time that lays ahead of me as an intern in the SAM&C Team! Here it is all about compliance and licences. This area is quite new to me as I was working in Digital Marketing up to now. Still, I am more than eager to take on this new challenge.

Also, I have just finished my Masters in International Management CEMS. I spent a lot of time abroad during those two years, including studying, working but also travelling for fun. It showed me how different people, places and approaches to how to get things done can be. That is why I decided to join a company that is appreciating those differences. Microsoft shows an open and welcoming attitude towards diversity and new ideas. It feels like the right place to be for me. I am looking forward to working in this inspiring environment!



Hi! My name is Oliver , I am 24 years old and I have recently finished my studies in Business Administration specializing in Finance and Marketing. After gathering first experience in the Gaming- and Film-Industry in Hollywood, I am very excited to join Microsoft and CDS (Surface and PC Accessories) specifically. In my spare time, I love to play and create video games. I am also very interested in film music and I create a tune every once in a while 🙂 When it comes to sports, I enjoy playing Basketball and Volleyball. I am REALLY looking forward to be working with a great team in a great company like Microsoft.

For me, working at Microsoft is great because interns are already treated like employees. I have been assigned to exciting tasks and started to work on some upcoming projects regarding consumer products. My team has been very supportive and we have set goals, that will help both Microsoft and me to grow.



Hi, Guys! My name is Nikolas and I just graduated from the Vienna Business School with my main focus on Business Information Systems. Along the way, I studied Scientific Computing at the University of Vienna and almost accidently got into this internship here at Microsoft.  For the past 4 years I worked at a pharmaceutical company mainly as a SharePoint Architect. Hence, I already got in touch with many of Microsoft’s Core Developer Products. As a Technical Evangelist I am now responsible for passing on excitement and knowledge about new technologies. It is indeed an exciting time to work here at Microsoft and especially at the Developer Experience as the company moves forward focusing on you, the developers. Come and join me to get the latest updates on Software Development. Visit:



Hi everyone! My name is Irina and I am originally from South Tyrol. I moved to Vienna 4 years ago to study Business Administration. Now I am finished with my studies and I really look forward to find out what challenges I will be facing in the next months here at Microsoft Austria. In the past, I worked for an event agency in Zurich and during my studies I worked for the Department of International Marketing at the University of Vienna. During my Bachelor, I had the opportunity to spend a semester in the US – a unique experience which taught me a lot. As you might have figured out, I love travelling and discovering new places! Besides travelling, I am a passionate skier, enjoy going for nature walks, riding, dancing and musicals.

What I really like about Microsoft?
The fact that this company truly values the potential and personality of each employee!



Hi guys, I’m Julian and I recently started my internship at the EPG Global Account Team. I grew up in Vienna and finished my Bachelor program in International Business specializing in Innovation Management and Information Management two months ago.

I’m the kind of person that needs to get out and do things. I enjoy all kinds of different sports such as sailing, surfing, skiing and climbing and soccer. I am also passionate about traveling and photography. Getting in touch with different people from different cultures is fun and Microsoft offers the perfect environment to do so.

What I admire about Microsoft as an employer is that the company offers a broad platform of a multi-billion dollar company, but still manages to reflect working structures normally only found in Start-Ups. Besides the much more relaxed atmosphere, this kind of culture also enhances workfow and efficiency.

I am super excited to join the Microsoft family and motivated to drive the digital era forward together with Microsoft!



Hi there, I’m Lara and work at Microsoft Austria since December. Originally from Frankfurt, I studied Economics in Heidelberg with a year abroad in Los Angeles and am currently enrolled in an International Business master program in Dresden and Paris.

As a new Intern in the Central Marketing Organization, I am responsible for “Customer Immersion Workshops” as part of the Business Value Program. This program helps our customers to understand our solutions and work more efficiently using the latest technology adapted to their needs. I coordinate this program between our partners, customers and the different teams within Microsoft which gives me great insights to the processes and products of Microsoft!

Whenever I have the chance, I love to travel, go for hikes or catch up with friends. I’m interested in arts and culture and am looking forward to my time in Vienna, discovering the city and learn a lot during this internship!



Hey there, my name is Chris and I’m Team Xbox’s new Category Management Intern. I’m born in Poland, grew up in Germany and studied in Austria (Vienna) – so I’m not too afraid of fast-paced and highly dynamic environments. After finishing my Masters in Socioeconomics and after gathering first hands-on experience as a Marketeer in the Gaming-Industry in two startups (that were based in Berlin) I am now super excited for the upcoming and unwritten part of my story. In my spare time I play and watch a ton of Basketball and also love conceptualizing strategies (in any way possible) to come up with practicable solutions for any problem imaginable.



Hoolllaa! My name is Marisol and I still cannot believe I got the chance to spend six months as an intern at Microsoft! It is genuinely an amazing company, but I am sure you know that already! I am studying Business Consultancy with a Marketing and Sales specialisation and I am supporting the SMSP/SMB team.

So… let me tell you some random facts about me. This can get a wee bit confusing but I am half Mexican, half Scottish and I moved to Austria about 10 years ago. I have had as a result the opportunity to live in various very, very different places, which has made me become really passionate about travelling, meeting new people and getting to know new cultures.

I am really easy going, love to laugh and make people laugh! J In my free time I love listening to music, watch movies, go running, read, spend time with my friends and family… basically …I try to live life to the fullest!



Marketing-Freak, Coffee Lover and Photographer – that‘s me. My name is Julia and I studied International Business Administration at WU Vienna with focus on Marketing. During my studies, I had the opportunity to spend one semester abroad in Ireland. At the age of 17, I gained work experience in Iceland and in France. So, yes I do like to travel. 🙂

At Microsoft I have the chance to support the National Empowerment Plan Cabinet and the Public Sector Team. Having insights into exciting projects, work with so many motivated and inspiring people and be part of an amazing company is a unique opportunity. Sometimes I still can‘t believe that I‘m really a part of this. I look forward to the next six months and to many challenges!


EM Fever @ Microsoft Austria

Am 22. Juni 2016 war es soweit: Das Spiel der Spiele für die österreichische Nationalmannschaft bei der EM 2016 – Siegen oder Fliegen lautete die Devise.

Und wir Microsofties waren alle im Frankreich Fieber. Bei einem weiteren tollen internen Event unterstützten wir unsere Nationalmannschaft bei dieser kniffligen Aufgabe.

Für gute Stimmung und Verpflegung war reichlich gesorgt – danke an das gesamte Team.

Trotz des enttäuschenden Ergebnisses sahen wir ein tolles Fußballspiel. Jetzt heißt es aus den Fehlern lernen und stärker zurückkommen.

Das Turnier bleibt dennoch weiter spannend. Wäre da nicht ein Spielverderber: Bing! Mithilfe eines einzigartigen Algorithmus trifft Bing Vorhersagen für die gesamten Spiele der EM 2016. Und wie heißt es so schön? Am Ende gewinnen immer die Deutschen – auch laut Bing.

Technology in Use

Modern technology shapes our daily life. And it is essential where precision, speed and security are of utmost importance. Since the end of April all voluntary fire brigades in Austria are eligible for the Microsoft software donation program executed by

Bog - Julia - 1

On the occasion of this announcement we made a video shoot at the voluntary fire brigade in Krems, our biggest consumer of our offering at, to show how our technology supports them at their daily work. I was given the great opportunity to lead the project and responsible for the story, the coordination with our PR agency, the fire brigade Krems and other stakeholder as well as the execution. After some telephone calls with the commander of the voluntary fire brigade, Mr Urschler, and an assessment of the film location, I had developed a plot and interview guide together with our PR agency. Some days later our shoot started. The firemen were really great actors and patient as we were shooting one scene several times from different perspectives.

It took us half a day until all seven scenes – office in container, “container office” from the outside, operations centre, changing room, fire hydrant, interview and “landscape” – were done. For the remaining scenes we were able to fall back on existing film material. The result is a small video showing how technology enables the fire brigade to achieve more, but convince yourself 🙂